Refer to Chocolatey Official website How to uninstall
Uninstall Chocolatey
Uninstall step 1. Delete Chocolatey Folder
Just directly delete the Chocolatey folder, ususally it will be at C:\ProgramData\chocolatey
if you are not sure where it is, you can use following command.
◎ Fig1. Check Chocolatey location
◎ Fig2. Delete Chocolatey Folder
Uninstall step 2. Remove chocolately from environment
After deleted the Chocolatey folder, you need to remove chocolately from environment.
◎ Fig3. Remove Chocolatey from Environment step 1
◎ Fig4. Remove Chocolatey from Environment step 2
◎ Fig5. Remove Chocolatey from Environment step 3
◎ Fig6. Remove Chocolatey from Environment step 4
The Official docs indicate there are four following subject need to be removed.
PATH (will need updated to remove)
But when I doing the remove, I didn’t see the ChocolateyLastPathUpdate.